
  1. Download Jetty from and install it, if you haven’t installed it yet.
  2. Stop Jetty.
  3. Unzip or zk-demo.x.x.tar.gz
  4. Copy dist/lib/*.jar to $JETTY_HOME/lib

    ($JETTY_HOME is where you installed Jetty)

  5. Copy dist/lib/ext/*.jar to $JETTY_HOME/lib
  6. [Optional] Copy dist/lib/zkforge/*.jar to $JETTY_HOME/lib

    (It depends whether you need component from ZK Forge)

  7. Deploy demo/bin/zksandbox.war to Jetty by copying it to $JETTY_HOME/webapps directly.
  8. Start Jetty.
  9. Browse to http://localhost/zksandbox or http://localhost:8080/zksandbox, depending on your configuration.


  1. Due to this issue, ZK may throw NullPointerException (HttpServletRequest#getContentPath() returns a null value …) with Servlet 3-supported Jetty. You should not use the default Servlet 3 Comet server push (Servlet 3 Asynchronous Processing-based Comet). You should use org.zkoss.zkex.ui.comet.CometServerPush instead by applying the following config:



Refer to The server-push-class Element and Server Push Configuration
