Secure Your Pages

Even if you have implemented an authentication mechanism, a user still can access a page if he knows the page’s URL. Therefore, we should protect a page from illegal access by checking user’s credentials in his session when a page is requested by a user.

##Authentication Service

We can implement a service class that performs the authentication operations.

Get user credentials

public class AuthenticationServiceChapter3Impl implements AuthenticationService,Serializable{
    public UserCredential getUserCredential(){
        Session sess = Sessions.getCurrent();
        UserCredential cre = (UserCredential)sess.getAttribute("userCredential");
            cre = new UserCredential();//new a anonymous user and set to session
        return cre;
  • Line 3, 4: As we mentioned, we can get current session and check user’s credentials to verify its authentication status.

Log in/ log out

public class AuthenticationServiceChapter7Impl extends AuthenticationServiceChapter5Impl{

    UserInfoService userInfoService = new UserInfoServiceChapter3Impl();

    public boolean login(String nm, String pd) {
        User user = userInfoService.findUser(nm);
        //a simple plan text password verification
        if(user==null || !user.getPassword().equals(pd)){
            return false;

        Session sess = Sessions.getCurrent();
        UserCredential cre = new UserCredential(user.getAccount(),user.getFullName());

        return true;

    public void logout() {
        Session sess = Sessions.getCurrent();
  • Line 14: Get the current session.
  • Line 17: Store user credentials into the session with a key userCredential which is used to retrieve credential back in the future.
  • Line 26: Remove the stored user credentials in the session.

Page Initialization

ZK allows you to run some code before ZK Loader instantiates any component by implementing an org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Initiator. When we apply an initiator to a zul, ZK will invoke our initiator before creating components.

We can create an initiator to check existence of a user’s credentials in the session. If a user’s credentials is absent, we determine it’s an illegal request and redirect it back to the login page.

Page initiator to check a user’s credentials

public class AuthenticationInit implements Initiator {

    AuthenticationService authService = new AuthenticationServiceChapter7Impl();

    public void doInit(Page page, Map<String, Object> args) throws Exception {

        UserCredential cre = authService.getUserCredential();
        if(cre==null || cre.isAnonymous()){
  • Line 1, 6: A page initiator class should implement org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Initiator and override doInit().
  • Line 8: Get a user’s credentials from current session.
  • Line 10: Redirect users back to login page.

Then we can apply this page initiator to those pages we want to protect from unauthenticated access.


<?link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css"?>
<!-- protect page by the authentication init  -->
<?init class="org.zkoss.essentials.chapter7.AuthenticationInit"?>

  • Line 3: Because index.zul is the main page, we apply this page initiator on it.

After above steps are complete, if you directly visit http://localhost:8080/zkessentials/chapter7/index.zul without authentication, you will be redirected to the login page.
